For law enforcement agencies, PurpleRadiance provides technology platform to analyze different types of CDR data and generate intelligence to prevent and investigate crime.
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Subscriber Detail Record Platform
The most trusted platform for exchange subscriber detail record among the officers to hunting cyber threat.
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To Kick Start Investigation
The most reliable cell track solution to collect different providers cell id’s and find the location of it to begin the investigation.
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Many Products for you
CDR Analysis Software
Law and enforcement agencies use mobile CDR that is also known as call detail records of mobile number, IMEI and tower dump for investigation of crime.
For crime investigation tower analysis, cell id details, messenger analysis, IMEI details, level code, IP address details, STD code and ISD code plays important role.
“SDR PurpleRadiance” is all about fetching the data from the server in no time in order to narrow down your investigation purpose. It works on Client-Server architecture.